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The Use of Pair and Group Work in The Teaching of Speaking Skill To Acceleration Class Students
Yuliastuti, Endang
Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi:
58th TEFLIN International Conference: Language Teaching and Character Building, Semarang, 3rd-5th November 2011
page 1-7.
Isi artikel
This classroom action research study has been initiated by problems related to the short attention-span shown by students in the acceleration class of SMP N Jakarta. This problem has led to teacher’s difficult time in keeping them focused in the on-going classroom activities, and eventually, prevent successful achievement of the teaching objectives. Students in acceleration classes are unique. Harmer (2007, p.88) suggests that this group of students tend to be analytic and can impose their own structures on learning, more introverted, independent and confident in their learning, as well as cool and pragmatic. Therefore, they need to be actively involved in learning activities that are interesting or stimulating to them to maintain their focused attention. Employing pair -and group- work is one solution to the above mentioned problem. This paper discusses the use of pair –and group- work activities in the teaching of speaking to students of the acceleration class of SMPN 19 Jakarta. The teaching- learning objectives were to develop student ability in delivering descriptive spoken texts. Data from multiple sources show that pair- and group- work activities are good alternatives to be used with students in acceleration class as they can well facilitates the unique characteristics of this group of students. Recommendations for their classroom use are outlined in brief.
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