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Building Character Through Group Discussion Initiated by Learning Contract
Hartani, Angelina Linda
Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi:
58th TEFLIN International Conference: Language Teaching and Character Building, Semarang, 3rd-5th November 2011
page 1-8.
building character
group discussion
and learning contract.
Isi artikel
This paper is intended to develop and rectify students’ manners, behavior and attitude. During a teaching-learning process, many students do not show respect to their teacher, friends and learning materials. In addition, some other students cannot control their emotion, do not practice critical thinking, and are not responsible for what they are doing during the learning activities. The lost of basic character cannot be ignored or tolerated. Building character of the students must be realized now or never, because it is just as essential as developing students academically. How can we build the students’ character through a group-discussion? And how can a learning-contract accommodate character building through group-discussion Group discussion is a process of interaction in the form of interpersonal communication, whereby respecting others, thinking critically, controlling emotion, practicing proper etiquette, and showing positive attitudes towards the materials, classmates, as well as the teacher can be experienced. Building character needs commitment of both students and teacher. The commitment can be initiated with an agreement between students and teacher, and this agreement can be established through a learning-contract. Learning contract is an agreement between students and the teacher relating to the aspects of teaching and learning process including the expected characters that must be approved by both parties: teacher and students. Both of them have to commit to what they have compromised. Consequently, the expected character, manners, positive attitudes that have been agreed upon have also to be implemented and applied, not just stay in writing. Therefore, building characters can be implemented through group-discussion by an initiated learning-contract.
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