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Familistic Orientation and Inclination Toward Adopting the Sick Role
Geertsen, H. Reed
Gray, Robert M.
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Journal of Marriage and the Family vol. 32 no. 04 (Nov. 1970)
page 638.
Isi artikel
A significant number of the population 'with health problems fail to seek professional medical assistance. With respect to this problem, familism and other possible intervening variables were examined as factors in a mother's inclination to adopt the sick role when faced with Symptoms of illness. In terms of scale indicators of these variables, the data indicate that: (1) mothers characterized by high familism have a higher inclination to adopt the sick role than do other mothers, (2) mothers of two or more preschool children or with large families have a lower inclination to adopt the sick role than do other mothers, and (3) a 'strong relationship between familism and inclination to adopt the sick role persists when controlling for the effects of preschool children and family size.
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