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Nurture and Conversion in the Early Quaker Family
Vann, Richard T.
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Journal of Marriage and the Family vol. 31 no. 04 (Nov. 1969)
page 639.
Isi artikel
A technique of historical demography, family reconstitution, which is based on reordering parish registers, offers insights for the historian of the family. It shows that the first converts to Quakerism were overwhelmingly drawn from younger children of mobile families, probably because of their inability to inherit shops or lands and thus succeed their parents. Within 100 years 80 to 90 percent of Quakers were children of Quakers. Quaker fathers would not give their children the freedom to dissent that they themselves had exercised, and judged the reality of conversion by adherence to customs which were in fact transmitted through the family.
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