Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:25 WIB
ArtikelSpecific Areas of Agreement and Conflict in Women's Self-Perception and Their Perception of Men's Ideal Woman in Two South American Urban Communities and an Urban Community in the United States  
Oleh: Steinmann, Anne ; Fox, David J.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Marriage and the Family vol. 31 no. 02 (May 1969), page 281.
Isi artikelAn Inventory designed to examine women's perception of the female role as home- and family oriented versus the female role as outward-achieving-oriented was administered to women selected from one North American and two South American urban-industrial communities. The purpose was to determine how the women perceived themselves in these roles as opposed to how they thought the "man's ideal woman" would perceive these roles. Results indicated that both North American and South American women believed that man's ideal woman would be traditionally submissive and place home and family above outward-achieving strivings. North American women, more than South American women, felt career could be integrated with family life and were more aggressive towards outward achievement.
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