Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 09:44 WIB
ArtikelThe Structure of Affect : Reconsidering The Relationship Between Negative and Positive Affectivity  
Oleh: Weiss, Howard M. ; Cropanzano, Rusell ; Hale, Jeff M.S. ; Reb, Jochen
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: JOM: Journal of Management vol. 29 no. 6 (2003), page 831-858.
Topik: Structure; structure of affect; relationship; affectivity
Fulltext: 831.pdf (279.9KB)
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Isi artikelDuring the past decade organizational scientists have devoted considerable research attention to the topic of workplace affect. Despite important advances, continued progress depends on a better understanding of the structure of affective experience. The goal of this paper is to review progress to date. In particular, we review evidence pertaining to four constructs that have been widely used to organize research on affect: positive affectivity, negative affectivity, hedonic tone, and affect intensity. We review various structural models pertaining to these four constructs, devoting special attention to integrative frameworks and future research needs.
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