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ArtikelOestrogen Receptor-a Polymorphism and Risk of Fracture: a Meta-analysis of 13 Studies Including 1279 Cases and 6069 Controls  
Oleh: Lei, M-M ; Yang, T-F ; Tu, Z-Q ; Liu, L. ; Fang, Y. ; Wang, G-L
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The Journal of International Medical Research vol. 38 no. 05 (Sep. 2010), page 1575-1583.
Topik: Oestrogen Receptor-?; Fracture; Gene Polymorphism; Meta-Analysis
Fulltext: s2.pdf (161.96KB)
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Isi artikelA meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the effect of oestrogen receptor-a (ESR1) gene PvuII polymorphism on fracture risk. It included published data from relevant studies (up to May 2010) identified from Medline™, Embase™ and Current Contents™. The 13 included studies contained 1279 fracture cases and 6069 controls. The combined results based on these studies showed no relationship between ESR1 gene PvuII polymorphism and fracture risk. No significant difference in genotype distribution was found when stratifying by race. When stratifying by fracture type, it was found that vertebral fracture cases had a significantly higher frequency of the PvuII pp genotype than controls in five studies (552 cases and 2350 controls). This meta-analysis suggests a modest but statistically significant association between the ESR1 PvuII pp genotype and vertebral fracture.
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