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ArtikelAdolescents' Views of Maternal Employment as a Threat to the Marital Relationship  
Oleh: King, Karl ; Axelson, Leland J. ; McIntyre, Jennie
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Marriage and the Family vol. 30 no. 04 (Nov. 1968), page 633.
Isi artikelThis study investigated the attitude of adolescent ninth-grade students toward the effects of maternal employment on the husband-wife relationship. Adolescents whose mothers were employed viewed their mothers' employment as less threatening to the marital relationship than adolescents of nonworking mothers. Children of higher-status parents believed maternal employment to be less threatening to the husband-wife relationship than children of lower-status parents. The perceived effects of maternal employment on the husband. wife relationship were thought to be greater by the male than by the female adolescents.It was found that the greater the father's participation in household tasks, the more accepting of the mother's employment were the adolescents, and this was true for both sexes with the effects being more pronounced for females
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