Anda belum login :: 27 Nov 2024 17:31 WIB
BukuLanguage Drills: Are They Still Necessary in EFL Classes?
Author: Rasmodjo, Valentinus Rido
Topik: grammatical; habit formation; drills; competence; communication
Bahasa: (EN )    
Tahun Terbit: 0    
Jenis: Naskah Karya Ilmiah (NKI) dengan Registrasi Karya Ilmiah (RKI)
Although students have learned English for years, there are still complaints that students still produce ungrammatical forms both in their written as well as spoken sentences. This fact suggests that the teaching and learning of the foreign language is not fully successful and needs correction. The purpose of this paper is to re-evaluate the importance of the habit formation of producing correct forms in foreign language learning as suggested by the audiolingual method. Then, this paper also presents alternative mechanical language practice which EFL teachers should provide in their classes . Finally, I conclude that mechanical language drills cannot be separated from foreign learning since they facilitate the formation the grammatical forms which are essential in communication.
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