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Leucaena Research Reports, Volume 3, July 1982
Dept. of Horticulture, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa
(EN )
Council for Agricultural Planning and Development
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Ben & Nafsiah Mboi Collection
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R 580 LEU
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
Forage yield of Leucaena diversifolia
, halaman 1
Serum thyroxine levels and liveweight gain of steers grazing leucaena pastures
, halaman 2
Propagating leucaena by grafting
, halaman 3
Effect of calcium, sulphur and other nutrients on dry matter yield and nodulation of Leucaena leucocephala in a "cerrado" soil
, halaman 4
Practical method for leucanea seed scarification using NaOH
, halaman 5
Low performance of Leucaena Peru type on central-Brasil oxisols
, halaman 7
Interrelation of Ca and Al in adaptation of leucaena to very acid soils
, halaman 9
Leucaena esculenta and L. trichodes - some similarities and differences
, halaman 12
Seedling rot of leucaena caused by Fusarium sp.
, halaman 14
Bacterial Pod Blight of Leucaena
, halaman 14
Growth of Leucaena leucocephala in la garita de Alajuela, Costa Rica
, halaman 15
Diseases of leucaena observed in the humid tropics of Costa Rica
, halaman 16
Prioritization of elements in the mineral nutrition of Leucaena leucocephala in an acid soil of Costa Rica
, halaman 17
Studies on leucanea tree growth
, halaman 19
Nutrition studies with leucaena forage
, halaman 21
Intercropping of leucaena with grain crops
, halaman 23
Gummosis in leucaena
, halaman 25
Effect of different rhizobial inoculant on seedling growth in Leucaena leucocephala var. K8
, halaman 26
Further observations on the growth of leucaena in Jammu
, halaman 27
Leucaena foliage as a source of green manure
, halaman 29
Intercropping studies in leucaena
, halaman 30
Effect of cutting and frequency regimes on the herbage yield of leucaena
, halaman 31
Reaction of the parents and hybrids of Leucaena leucocephala against gummosis disease
, halaman 33
Leaf characteristics in leucaena
, halaman 36
Leucaena cultivation improves soil fertility
, halaman 37
Growth rates of leucaena under different systems of tree management
, halaman 38
Varietal trial on leucaena cultivars for forage production
, halaman 39
Effect of spacing management on the yield and quality of forage of K8 cultivar
, halaman 40
Intercropping of our leucaena cultivars with three grasses
, halaman 41
Varietal performance of leucaena in drylands
, halaman 42
Observations on leucaena leaf meal production in Indonesia
, halaman 43
Giant lamtoro in the land of the trees
, halaman 44
Leucaena forage production trials based at Ciawi, Indonesia
, halaman 45
Regreening means conservation and income
, halaman 47
Edibility of leucaena
, halaman 49
Limiting aminoacids of leucaena leaf meal for the growing rat
, halaman 51
Intercropping of two leucaena spp. with sweet potato: yield, growth rate and biomass
, halaman 52
Nitrogen release during decomposition of leucaena leaves
, halaman 54
Three species of scale insects injurious to "giant" leucaena
, halaman 55
Study of allelopathy with Hengchun vegetation
, halaman 57
Diseases of leucaena in Taiwan
, halaman 58
Wood production of spacing trial of leucaena in Taiwan
, halaman 59
The growth of different varieties of leucaena in Taiwan
, halaman 62
The feasibility of producing leucaena press-lam and its use as a stock for making furniture
, halaman 63
Leucaena wood fibers for animal feeding
, halaman 64
Allelopathic potential of Leucaena leucocephala
, halaman 65
Leucaena seed as a feed ingredient for broiler chicks
, halaman 66
Toxic nature of non-protein amino acids
, halaman 67
The effect of plantation population density on wood properties and quality of wood-based composition board from leucaena in Taiwan
, halaman 68
The selection of rhizobium of Leucaena leucocephala
, halaman 70
Carcass composition of chicks fed leucaena
, halaman 71
Effect of Fe (III), polyethylene glycol and cholesterol supplementation on the growth rate of chicks fed leucaena diets
, halaman 72
Treated dried leucaena meal in diets for growing pigs
, halaman 74
Nutritive value of leucaena for the growing pigs
, halaman 76
Leucaenas for the highland tropics
, halaman 77
Determination of mimosine in leucaena by amino acid analysis
, halaman 78
Chemical and non-chemical control of leucaena: preliminary studies
, halaman 79
Successful tissue culture of leucaena
, halaman 81
Use of gibberellin for accelerating growth of leucaena seedlings
, halaman 83
Establishment of Leucaena leucocephala in acid soils
, halaman 84
Aspects of germination of leucaena
, halaman 86
Green house studies on establishment of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit in acid soils
, halaman 88
Persistence of a labeled rhizobium in green-house-grown Leucaena leucocephala
, halaman 91
Preparation of leaf protein concentrates from Leucaena leucocephala
, halaman 93
Litterfall as a function of population in a 1-year old leucaena (K8) planting
, halaman 95
International leucaena population trials
, halaman 96
Tempeh lamtoro, preparation and toxicity
, halaman 100
Preliminary results of intercropping leucaena with taro (Colocasia esculanata) in Western Samoa
, halaman 102
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