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Analisis Pengaruh Healthcare Quality Service Terhadap Patient Satisfaction Dan Word Of Mouth (Studi Kasus Pada Pasien Rawat Inap Dan Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Umum Bina Kasih - Medan)
Widodo, Yohanes Eko
Laksmidewi, Theresia Dwinita
Nursing Care
Staff Service
Medical Care
Patient Satisfaction And Word Of Mouth.
(ID )
Program Studi Magister Manajemen Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
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Theses - Master Thesis
Raymond Tarigan Tua’s Master Theses.pdf
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Analysis the Influence of Health Care Quality Service to the Patient Satisfaction and The Power of Word Of Mouth (Studi case of outpatient and inpatient BINA KASIH HOSPITAL MEDAN) WOM begins from experiences of patient as customer after they use the service from hospital as service provider. They will tell their experiences eithe bad or good. All good experiences will bring up good image of that hospital. The satisfaction of the patient is acknowledged as satisfaction level. The patient satisfaction is one of point to make a good relationship between hospital and patient as customer. WOM is one of effective method to built positive image for hospital. Another reason is to increase people to come continually and using its service. There is one of research by Raposo et al (2008) shows that the most important positive effect is patient satisfaction as customer. It comes from services by nurse, the quality of facilities, staff service and medical care from doctor. Those are big issues to make people as patient really satisfied. By this research, we will know how big impact of these 5 variables and by those things, we will know as well how big the impact of WOM. Those impact will be analized by using structural analysis (SEM) variant base which is partial least square (PLS). This research using software smart PLS. The result will showing valid outer model, reliable, and has high validity discriminant. By outer model known all of coefficient path with positive value. From 9 hypothesis there is 6 hypothesis are accepted and 3 of them are rejected. The nursing care makes significant influence to the patient satisfaction. These are the keys determinant and make significant influence to WOM. They are patient satisfaction and stagf service. Beside that, there are points which is not making significant influence to WOM, they are medical care and nursing care.
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