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BukuMFA quarterly Vol. I No. 1 - January-March 1981
Author: [s.n]
Topik: Philippines; Diplomatic relations
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs     Tempat Terbit: Manila    Tahun Terbit: 1981    
Jenis: Journal
  • Ben & Nafsiah Mboi Collection
    • Nomor Panggil: R 327.599 MFA
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Press statement ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting January 5-7, 1981, halaman 1
  2. Joint Press Statement: On the visit to the Philippines of H. E. zenko Suzuku, Prime Minister of Japan, january 8-10, 1981, halaman 2
  3. Encounter with destiny, halaman 8
  4. Proclamation No. 2045, halaman 23
  5. A New Age, halaman 37
  6. Opening Remarks third Meeting of the ASEAN Standing Committee January 30, 1981, halaman 50
  7. Helping the Filipino Worker Abroad, halaman 52
  8. Statement on the Threat to Peace and Stability in Southeast Asia February 6, 1981, halaman 62
  9. Statement at the Ministerial Conference of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries February 11, 1981, halaman 64
  10. Statement on the Non-Aligned Meeting February 14, 1981, halaman 69
  11. United nations Action for the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, halaman 70
  12. Human Rights and the New International Economic Order, halaman 76
  13. Questions of Missing and Dissapeared Persons in the Philippines, halaman 80
  14. Towards an International Conference on Kampuchea, halaman 82
  15. Statement on the Signing of the Commond Fund Agreement, halaman 88
  16. Ideal and Reality of International Understanding, halaman 90
  17. Statement on the Appeal of the USSR Concerning Recent Vietnamse Proposals February 28, 1981, halaman 97
  18. The Rise of Neo-Colonialism, halaman 98
  19. The Diplomat's Armory, halaman 101
  20. A Foreign ministry for the Politectonic Age: The Era of Political Restructuring, halaman 104
  21. Statetment on the Appeal of the USSR Concerning Vietnamese Proposals March 25, 1981, halaman 127
  22. Statement on the So-called Elections in Kampuchea March 25, 1981, halaman 129

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