Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 13:07 WIB
BukuRule of law and organisation of the state in Asia : the multicultural challenge
Author: Fleiner, Lidija R. Basta ; Bhattacharyya, Harihar ; Fleiner, Thomas ; Mitra, Subrata K.
Topik: Rule of law; Asia; Democracy; Ethnic relations
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 3-7190-1979-9    
Penerbit: Helbing & Lichtenhahn     Tempat Terbit: Bale    Tahun Terbit: 2000    
Jenis: Books
  • Ben & Nafsiah Mboi Collection
    • Nomor Panggil: 340.95 RUL
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Federalism in Asia: The Potential and the Limits, halaman 1
  2. Some General Remarks on the Challenges of a Multi-cultural State, halaman 5
  3. Constitutional Democracy between Globalisation and Multiculturalism, halaman 15
  4. Democracy and the Rule of Law in the Post-Colonial Context: An Agenda in Search of A Theory, halaman 31
  5. The Politics of Asian Values, halaman 61
  6. The Multicultural Challenge: The Post-Colonial State and Subnational Movements in India's Northeast, halaman 91
  7. Kashmir and the Indian Union, halaman 135
  8. Multicultural Challenge and the Changing Contours of Punjab Politics, halaman 153
  9. Policing Communal Conflict: An Indian Example, halaman 167
  10. Politics, Social Order and Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka, halaman 187
  11. Pakistan: The Challenge of Democratisation, halaman 205
  12. State and Society in the PRC: The View from the Country-side, halaman 235
  13. On the Broken Wings of Garuda: Prospects for Democracy in Indonesia, halaman 261
  14. Decentralisation: A Solution to Political Problems? The Case of South Korea, halaman 279
  15. Accommodation of Ethnocultural Diversity in the Post-Soviet World: Ethnic Entitlemetns and 'Civic' Statehood in Kazakhstan, halaman 299

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