Anda belum login :: 23 Nov 2024 03:15 WIB
BukuAnalisis Hubungan Antara Frekuensi Belanja Online Dengan Belanja Di Toko Berdasarkan Sikap, Persepsi, Dan Lingkungan Dewasa Muda Menggunakan Model Copula (Studi Kasus: Kota Bekasi)
Author: MARPAUNG, OKTIVIAN ; Sukwadi, Ronald (Advisor)
Topik: Online Shopping; Copula Model; Young Adult; Bekasi City
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Unika Atma Jaya     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta    Tahun Terbit: 2018    
Jenis: Theses - Undergraduate Thesis
Fulltext: Oktivian Marpaung's Undergraduate Theses.pdf (7.68MB; 10 download)
This study was conducted to determine the relationship between the frequency of online shopping with in-stores shopping in young adults in the city of Bekasi. But to find out more in the relationship between shopping online with in stores shopping, it is necessary to know the relationship and the different factors that influence the shopping is the attitude, environment and perception of young adults who shop online with young adults who shop at the store. In knowing the relation of frequency of online shopping done by using copula model, where this model can connect between the marginal distribution with the joint distribution of the data so that can know the critical point of relationship between two or more variables. From the results of the copula model obtained the relationship between the frequency of online shopping with shopping in the store has the best copula model that is copula clayton with 2.35 estimate parameter have a strong positive relationship with the critical point that is below, so the frequency of shopping online with in store shopping has a relationship a strong value has a small value. While the influential factor is the attitude of having a positive relationship with the critical titil above and below (copula T), environmental factors have a weak negative relationship (normal copula), and the perception factor has a moderate positive relationship with the critical point is above (copula gumbel). From this it can be concluded that online shopping and in stores shopping have a complementary relationship when young adults have a high spending attitude and critical, perceptions of in stores shopping are high and have concern for the environment that is not too big. Suggestions that can be given from this research is that at online shopping shop to classify product quality and product quality improvement while for shopping center is expected to be able to continue to give special offers and interesting events so that shopping center will continue to grow even if there is change trends that exist in the community.
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