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BukuInternational child health : a digest of current information, Volume II, No.1, January 1991
Author: [s.n]
Topik: Pediatrics; Child health services; Child welfare
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: International Pediatric Association     Tempat Terbit: Geneva    Tahun Terbit: 1991    
Jenis: Journal
  • Ben & Nafsiah Mboi Collection
    • Nomor Panggil: R 362 INT
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
 Lihat Detail Induk
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Opening remarks and welcome (in Spanish, English summary), halaman 5
  2. Welcome and directives, halaman 5
  3. Cruelty to children: efforts to prevent child abuse and neglect, halaman 6
  4. Child abuse, neglect and violence: an international overview, halaman 8
  5. Particular examples of the child abuse, neglect and violence experience in Brazil, halaman 15
  6. Street children in Brazil, halaman 19
  7. The maltreated child in Haiti, halaman 21
  8. Today's situation of the working and street children in central america, halaman 21
  9. The responsibility of health personnel in reporting child abuse: an emergency room experience , halaman 24
  10. Abuse of disabled children in Santo Domingo, halaman 25
  11. Prevalence of neglect and abuse of minors, ages 7 to 15, in marginal families (in Spanish, english summary), halaman 26
  12. To love and be loved: alcohol and insect dysfunctional , halaman 29
  13. Sexual abuse of minors in the dominican republic, halaman 29
  14. Maltreatment of the minor: emotional aspects (in spanish, english summary), halaman 30
  15. Coordination of care for child abuse victims, halaman 30
  16. International cooperation for the promotion of child health and welfare , halaman 53

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