Operating temperature of High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor that can be reach 700°C to 850°C cannot uses metallic materials, as a replacement uses material nuclear grade Isotropic Graphite-110. Nuclear grade graphite when operating in reactor, graphite must be able to maintain integrity of mechanical properties. To ensure integrity of nuclear grade graphite that use in reactor will be inspected. The purpose of experiment are to develop inspection of non-destructive testing ultrasonicmethods to find out isotropic properties and to predict the modulus of elasticity and poisson’s ratio from wave velocity. This research used experimental study to three block of graphite which is the graphite have three difference of coordinated cartesian axis with load and without application of load. The test’s result obtained that ultrasonic methods can to know wave velocity that have correlation for modulus of elasticity and poisson’s ratio. The effect with and without load does not affect the isotropic properties. Wave velocity can obtainedmodulus of elasticity and poisson’s ratio, The result from modulus of elasticity and poisson's ratio obtained is each equal to 9,8 MPa and 0,25. |