Health is one of the main factors that can affect the fitness and appearance of the body, as well as the most valuable assets. However, the lifestyle of people today tends to be sedentary or not do much physical activity, this habit can have a negative impact on health. Technological factors, problems of time, costs, techniques are often the reason someone is lazy to do physical activity or a series of sports. In Indonesia alone, it is recommended to exercise 150 minutes a week or 30 minutes every day or at least 3-5 days a week. One type of exercise that is easy to do and has many benefits is by cycling. However, from the results of the survey to 30 respondents found that 63.2% rarely use a bicycle this is due to several factors. To overcome the existing problems, research on the manufacture and design of bicycles that cannot or cannot be used as economical static bicycles made from conventional bicycles is carried out. The initial step is to design the concept based on the wishes of the consumers. There are 3 alternative concepts compiled based on morphological charts. After 3 concepts have been formed, the selection and evaluation of concepts is done using the PUGH method. From the results of the concept selection shows that concept 1 was chosen as the best concept. In concept 1, there is a reduction in the number of tires to one tire, a static bicycle leg with iron, a bicycle saddle and a manual system (rotated), a hook on the pedal using a rope and rubber, speed settings, chain protectors, oval shaped saddle and dynamo to automatically convert motion energy into electricity. The final stage is determining the cost of production and manufacturing of products based on the design of selected concepts. |