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Using Activity Theory as a Lens to Analyse Interaction in a University–School Initial Teacher Education and Training Partnership
Wilson, Elaine
Article from Journal
Dalam koleksi:
Educational Action Research vol. 12 no. 04 (2004)
Initial Teacher Education
Activity Theory
School–University Partnerships
Isi artikel
The development of beginning teachers’ practice during a school placement is a multiplicity of mediated interactions between university- and school-based systems. Both systems have the common aim of training effective teachers. However, day-to-day internal institution matters can cause tension between the learning goals set out for the beginning teacher by the university and the schools’ drive to ensure maximum student performance in ‘high stake’ national tests. This article reports on an intervention intended to equip beginning teachers with the capacity to learn, through purposive activity, in an authentic classroom environment. The context of the learning was to address the conceptual difficulties that secondary school pupils (aged 11-16) have in understanding scientific concepts within the constraints of a ‘curriculum delivery’ lead culture. The results show that beginning teachers are able to extract principles, which might assist them in new contexts in the future. The interactions which took place during the intervention within a school University Initial Teacher Education and Training partnership were analysed using activity systems.
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