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Collection Detail
Illustrations of the analytic memo as reflexivity for preservice teachers
Phillips, Donna Kalmbach
Carr, Kevin
Article from Journal
Dalam koleksi:
Educational Action Research vol. 15 no. 04 (Dec. 2007)
page 561–575.
Preservice Teacher Education
Teacher Identity
Action Research
Isi artikel
This study illustrates the use of analytic memos during the action research process as a space to support preservice teachers’ emerging teacher identity and construction of practice through critical reflexivity. The authors reviewed 34 sets of analytic memos written by graduate preservice teachers by asking, ‘How are preservice teachers using the space of the analytic memo during the action research process as critical reflexivity?’. Reflexivity is understood in this work as a method of selfinquiry, and positions teacher identity as fluid and subject to multiple and often competing discourses. The outcome of this analysis demonstrates how emerging action research questions reflect emerging teacher identity; the power of dialogue within the memos to act as a ‘corrective moment’; and the elliptical nature of action research as preservice teachers confront contradictions and paradoxes in learning to teach. The authors suggest that the analytic memo can act as a vehicle of agency and transformation, a space where preservice teachers may practice reflexivity as they begin to critically construct their practice, create and re-create their teacher identity, and confront assumptions about teaching and learning.
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