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ArtikelAction learning for police officers in high crack areas  
Oleh: David, Huw T.
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Action Learning: Research and Practice vol. 03 no. 02 (Sep. 2006), page 189-196.
Topik: Criminality; Crime; Drugs
Fulltext: 988704__757708938.pdf (83.26KB)
Isi artikelThis is an account of an Action Learning programme for senior police officers, in which sets focussed on the issue of drug markets and associated criminality in high crack areas (HCAs). It outlines the background to the programme, the organisation and structure of its five concurrent sets and some reflections on the outcomes from the programme. The account focuses on the development of one particular set, from the personal perspective of its convenor. Although it is not a formal evaluation, it looks at how the set approached Action Learning and overcame participants’ initial scepticism, how its meetings operated and the actions that arose. The account concludes by suggesting where Action Learning was most effective and the lessons that can be learnt from it.
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