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ArtikelSpeaker's Reference, Descriptions and Information Structure  
Oleh: Dekker, Paul
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Semantics (Sebagian Full Text) vol. 15 no. 4 (Nov. 1998), page 305-334.
Topik: Dynamic Semantics; Referential Interpretation; Information Structure; Discourse;
Fulltext: vol 15, no 4, p 305-334.pdf (1.59MB)
Isi artikelThe notion of information developed in systems of dynamic semantics is applied in an analysis of the referential interpretation of definite descriptions, and the specific interpretation of indefinite ones. A Russellian treatment of descriptions is upgraded with the dynamic semantic notion of a discourse referent, and this enables a combination of contextually given information with information which is properly semantic. The analysis is sharpened by the addition of a partition of utterances into a ground and a focus part. The two extensions suffice to account for the most important features of situations which involve the referential use of expressions in both a semantically and pragmatically satisfactory way. A by-product is a rudimentary analysis of negative existential statements involving names.
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