There are two hook models of Al 6061 T6 which has not been known its performance in lifting a load of 3 to 10 kg. Research is aimed to get a valid finite element model, amount of tensile strength at the two hook models when it is failure based on finite element model simulation and comparisons of two hook models from manufacturing extrusion side. The ANSYS software is used for creating those hooks. Validation is done by comparing the stress distribution as a result of translucent photoelasticity model. The translucent prototype material in photoelasticity experiment is Araldite B. The load given to these hook models is equal i.e 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg and 5 kg. On these two hook models is analyzed static failure and fatigue with Goodman Chart to find out whether it is a safety or not on the maximum workload of 10 kg. This research comes as a result of valid finite element model for two hook models type of Al 6061 T6. Two hook models are safe to be used on the maximum load 10 kg. Finite element model simulation producing first hook model will be failed at 100 kN force and second hook model will be failed at 60 kN force. In order to produce the first hook model, it is required 40 minutes of extrusion time, 83% recovery percentage, and 16 pcs 460 mm of billet (raw material). Second hook model, it is required 30 minutes of extrusion time, 81% recovery percentage, and 12 pcs 640 mm of billet (raw material). |