Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:01 WIB
ArtikelThe Role of Culture in Interpersonal Relationships : Do Second Generation South Asian Canadians Want A Traditional Partner ?  
Oleh: Hynie, Michaela ; Tatla, Sandeep ; Pannu, Manjit ; Lalonde, Richard N.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology ( vol. 35 no. 5 (Sep. 2004), page 503-524.
Topik: partners; mate selection; interdependence; family allocentrism; south asian; cross - cultural
Fulltext: 503.pdf (171.81KB)
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Isi artikelTwo studies examined the influence of eastern cultural heritage on relationship preferences among second generation immigrants to the west, and explicitly tested the mediating roles of interdependnece and familial cultural influence in mate preferences. The first used a between - subjects approach to compare the preffered mate attributes of south asian canadians (n = 97) to those of euro - canadians (n = 89). The second study used a within - subject approach by using the strength of cultural identity of south asian canadians (n = 92) as a predictor of prederrred attributes. Both studies found a culture influence on "traditional" mate attribute preferences. Moreover, familial cultural influence (e. g. family allocentrism) was a better mediator of the culture - traditional attribute preference relationship than the more generic measure of interdependent self - construal. The results further suggest that a cross - cultural approach, rather than a strength - of - cultural - identity approach, is better suited to tap into non -conscious influences of culture on behaviour.
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