Anda belum login :: 11 Mar 2025 12:03 WIB
ArtikelSevere oligozoospermia in a young man with chronic myeloid leukemia on long-term treatment with imatinib started before puberty  
Oleh: Mariani, Stefania ; Basciani, Sabrina ; Fabbri, Andrea ; Agati, Luciano ; Ulisse, Salvatore ; Lubrano, Carla ; Spera, Giovanni ; Gnessi, Lucio
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Fertility and Sterility (keterangan: ada di ClinicalKey) vol. 95 no. 03 (Mar. 2011), page 1120e15-17.
Topik: LEUKEMIA; Imatinib; chronic myeloid leukemia; oligozoospermia
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: F02.K.2011.02
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelObjective To report the effect of long-term treatment with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib started before the onset of puberty on semen parameters, bone mineral density, and hormone values. Design Case report. Setting University hospital. Patient(s) An 18-year-old man given treatment with imatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia. Intervention(s) Clinical, biochemical and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry evaluations. Main Outcome Measure(s) Semen analysis, serum levels of gonadotropins, inhibin-B, and testosterone, bone mineral density, markers of skeletal homeostasis. Result(s) Semen analyses showed severe oligozoospermia after long-term administration of imatinib started before puberty. The inhibin-B/FSH ratio was reduced. A low bone mineral density for chronologic age was observed. Conclusion(s) This case study documents the potential risk of an impairment of semen parameters in patients undergoing a treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors before the complete maturation of the testis.
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