Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:57 WIB
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Performance of Hollow Fiber Membrane Gas-liquid Contactors to Absorb Co2 Using Diethanolamine (DEA) as A Solvent
Kartohardjono, Sutrasno
Nata, Pan Ade
Prasetio, Eko
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi:
Makara Journal of Technology vol. 13 no. 2 (Nov. 2009)
page 86-90.
Mass Transfer
Membrame Contactor
Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
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This study uses DEA solution to absorb Co2 from the gas flow through the hollow fiber membrane contctors. This study aims to evaluate the performance of hollow fiber membrane contactors to absorb CO2 gas using DEA solution as solvent through mass transfer and hydrodynamics studies, The use of DEA solution is to reduce the mass transfer resistance in the liquid phase, and on the other side, the large contact area of the membrane surface can cover the disadvantage of membrane contactors; additional mass transfer resistance in the membrane phase. During experiments, CO2 feed flows through the fiber lumens, while the 0.01 M DEA solution flows in the shell side of membrance cantactors. Experimental results show that the mass transfer ceoffficients and fluxes of CO2 increase with an increase in both water and DEA solution flow rates. Increasing the amount of fibers in the contactors will decrease the mass transfer and fluxes at the sme DEA solution fow rate. Mass transfer coefficients and CO2 fluxes using DEA solution can achieve 28,000 and 7.6 million times greater thatn using water as solvent, respectively. Hydrodynamics studies show that the liquid pressure drops in the contactors increase with increasing liquid flow rate and nomber of fibers in the contactors. The friction between water and the fibers in the contactor was more pronounced at lower velocities, and therefore, the value of the friction factors is also higher at lower velocities.
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