Anda belum login :: 04 Dec 2024 00:57 WIB
BukuThe Military, the state, and development in Asia and the Pacific
Author: Selochan, V. (Editor)
Topik: Asia; Pacific Area; Civil-military relations
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 081331111X    Edisi: 6th    
Penerbit: Westview Press     Tempat Terbit: San Francisco    Tahun Terbit: 1991    
Jenis: Books
  • Ben & Nafsiah Mboi Collection
    • Nomor Panggil: 322.5095 MIL
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Introductions: The Military, the Developmental State and Social Forces in Asia and the Pasific: Issue for Comparative Analysis, halaman 1
  2. Military-Civilians Relations in Indonesia in the Late Soeharto Era, halaman 51
  3. The Thai Military and Its Role in Society in the 1990s, halaman 67
  4. The Armed Forces of the Philippines and Political Instability, halaman 83
  5. The Military in Malaysia, halaman 121
  6. The Military in Myanmar: What Scope for the New Role?, halaman 139
  7. The Military in Pakistan Politics: Direct or Indirect Participations?, halaman 153
  8. The Military in Bangladesh, halaman 179
  9. The Military Factor in South Korea Politics, halaman 203
  10. Military Roles and Relations in Papua New Guinea, halaman 221
  11. The Politization of Military Professionalism in Fiji, halaman 239

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