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What, when, how and why? Theory and foreign language teaching
Lawes, Shirley
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Language Learning Journal vol. 28 (2003)
page 22-28.
Language Learning Journal, Winter 2003, No 28, 22-28.pdf
Isi artikel
Recent academic writing on foreign languages (FL) teaching, specifically at the initial training stage, has revived the question of the need for theory. However, the understanding of 'theory' in this writing can be seen to draw, consciously or otherwise, on functionalist, postmodern and broadly relativistic perspectives. In particular it is relativism that affects the applied theory of language teaching. In order to understand FL subject theory an elementary understanding of the philosophy of education and other forms of educational knowledge may be useful. The revival of theory is made even more problematic by the new orthodoxy of 'reflective practice'. The notion of 'reflective practice' has made possible a sleight of hand where 'practice' invisibly becomes redefined or labelled as 'theory.' 'Theory' now often means nothing more than 'talking about practice'. To re-establish the real unity of theory and practice, it is argued here, it is necessary to reverse contemporary fashion and emphasise theory over practice. Educational theory must be central from the beginning of initial training if it is to be of value to teachers in their future careers. To ask 'Why theory?' is a theoretical and not a practical question.
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