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ArtikelReading the Texts of Assessment Task Sheets in Two Year 8 English Classrooms  
Oleh: Moni, Karen B. ; Kraayenoord, Christina E. van ; Baker, Carolyn D.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Language and Education (Full Text) vol. 17 no. 1 (2003), page 42-58.
Fulltext: Vol. 17, No. 1, p 42-58.pdf (235.94KB)
Isi artikelTask sheets are written texts generated specifically for assessment purposes in high schools in Queensland, Australia. They attempt to make assessment transparent by explaining the criteriaused to assess performance. The criteria and statements of standards describe how a grade is awarded and provide evidence of teacher accountability for assessment. In this paper, task sheets from two Year 8 English classes in two such schools are described and analysed to investigate three questions: (1) What do task sheets reveal about practices and relationships operating in classroom-based literacy assessment?(2)How do task sheets documentwhat counts as literacy and performance in literacy at this level of schooling? (3) Can any task sheet be ‘transparent’ and how much interpretation is required to make sense of it? The analysiswas guided by a framework ofmethods drawn from Fairclough (1992), Gee (1990),and criticallinguistic approaches. It found that tasksheetsarecomplex texts whichcommunicate dimensions of assessmentrelatingto teachers’andstudents’ roles, the purposes of assessment, and criteria for what counts as performance. It is argued that assessmenttasksheets arethemselvesdocuments of the assessmentculture,part of the socialisation of students into assessment practices in the class
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