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BukuStudies in population and economic development Vol. 1
Author: Ghosh, B. N. (Editor)
Topik: Population--Economic aspects; Developing countries
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 817100024X    Edisi: Vol 1.    
Penerbit: Deep & Deep Publications     Tempat Terbit: New Delhi    Tahun Terbit: 1987    
Jenis: Books
  • Ben & Nafsiah Mboi Collection
    • Nomor Panggil: 304.6091724 STU
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. History of Population Theories, halaman 11
  2. Socio-Economic Fertility Theories and Their Relevance to Population Policy, halaman 78
  3. An Interpretation of the Economic Theory of Fertility: Promising Path of Blind Alley ?, halaman 96
  4. Household and Economy : Toward a New Theory of Population and Economic Growth, halaman 126
  5. Comment on Nerlove's Theory of Population and Economic Growth, halaman 149
  6. Children as By-Products, Investment Goods and Consumer Goods: A Review of Some Micro-Economic Models of Fertility, halaman 153
  7. Population as a Factor in Economic Development, halaman 185
  8. Population and Economic Growth, halaman 216
  9. Population Growth and Economic Development, halaman 238
  10. Population Growth and Living Standards, halaman 252
  11. The Economic Aspects of Slowing Population Growth, halaman 273
  12. The Population 'Problem', halaman 290
  13. Birth Rate and Economic Development: An Empirical Exploration, halaman 307
  14. Population Growth and the Rate of Investment, halaman 319
  15. Population Growth and the Demand for Capital, halaman 339
  16. Employment Implications of Industrialization in Developing Countries: A Survey, halaman 348
  17. Four Steps to Full Employment, halaman 403
  18. Conflicts between Output and Employment Objectives in Developing Countries, halaman 418
  19. The Employment-Output Trade-Off in LDC's--A Micro-economic Approach, halaman 446

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