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Collection Detail
Native-speaker Teachers of English in Hong Kong
Boyle, Joseph
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Language and Education (Full Text) vol. 11 no. 3 (1997)
page 163-181.
Vol. 11, No. 2, p 163-181.pdf
Isi artikel
This article considers the role of native-speaker English language teachers in Hong Kong. Part 1 examines the concept of native-speaker and offers five criteria which determine whether a person can be classed as native-speaker or not. Changing attitudes to the place of native-speakers in English language teaching, and the relative merits of native-speaker and non-native-speaker teachers of English are next discussed. The situation of English language teachers in Hong Kong is outlined, with attention to the attitudes of local non-native-speaker teachers of English. The second part of the article then focuses on the use of native-speaker English teachers in Hong Kong, with particular reference to a project known as the Expatriates English Teachers Scheme (EETS). This is critically examined and the reactions from the local teaching profession are given. The attitude of the Hong Kong Education Department is also reviewed, from the evidence of a series of Reports by the Government’s Education Commission over the past decade. The article maintains that the EETS has been largely ineffective, and that the most recent attempt to revive and expand the scheme is unlikely to succeed. In trying to solve Hong Kong’s English language problems, it is suggested that more attention should be given to new ideas on the definition and role of native-speakers and to their ancillary relationship with local teachers.
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