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Language Education, Thematic Studies And Classroom Learning: A Bakhtinian View1
Maclean, Rod
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Language and Education (Full Text) vol. 8 no. 4 (1994)
page 231-250.
Vol. 08, No. 4, p 231-250.pdf
Isi artikel
This paper seeks to establish that Bakhtin's work can be applied to the analysis of classroom activities. In particular, it explores the applicability of the Bakhtinian notions of 'metalinguistics', 'dialogue', 'heteroglossia' and 'internally persuasive discourse', which inform a case study of a Year 5/6 class undertaking integrated thematic work on 'flight'. A central feature of classroom discourse is that it is the site for the recontextualisation of elements from external discourses, and Bakhtin's concept of dialogisation provides a helpful account of this process. Examples drawn from the case study demonstrate ways in which the teacher's discourse makes contact with the children's worlds, and allows them to see these worlds from different points of view. This process provides a model for the struggle among various points of view which constitutes learning in its most fundamental sense.
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