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Constructing Threats and Opportunities After 9/11
Meyer, David S.
Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi:
American Behavioral Scientist vol. 53 no. 01 (Sep. 2009)
page 10-26.
War On Terror
Social Problems
Political Opportunities
Social Construction
02. Constructing Threats and Opportunities After 9-11.pdf
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President Bush war on terror emphasized domestic surveillance, enhanced police powers, and military adventures abroad, and virtually all political debates focused on the administration’s initiatives. This was not inevitable. An alternative response to the threat of terrorism could include, for example, expanded funding for language instruction and comparative religion in American schools, improved training for first responders in medical emergencies, and an overhaul of the health care system to provide rapid responses to crises. Critics of the Administration's war on terror, however, were reluctant or unable to frame 9/11 to support alternative preferred policies. In contrast, during the Cold War, advocates used fear of Communism and the Soviet Union to build support for alternative domestic policies, including civil rights and social investment. By rejecting completely the premises of the war on terror, critics may have missed an opportunity to advance broader political agendas.
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