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ArtikelOn the (Non)complementarity of ?-Theory and Checking Theory  
Oleh: Lopez, Luis A. Ortiz
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Linguistic Inquiry (ada di JSTOR) vol. 32 no. 4 (2001), page 694-716.
Topik: 0-theory; checking theory; light verb; exceptional Case marking; accusative Case; causative constructions; absolute construc- tions; Burzio's Generalization
Fulltext: Vol 32 No 4 pp 694-716.pdf (2.34MB)
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Isi artikelChomsky (1995) proposes that the 0-system and the checking system form two complementary modules. As a consequence both subjects and objects must form nontrivial chains to check their formal features with a functional category (T and v, respectively). I argue that objects and exceptional-Case-marking subjects check their formal features with a lexical verb, whose domain is therefore both 0-role assigning and feature checking. I show that discarding the complementarity as- sumption in this manner results in a more "bare" theory of the compu- tational system as well as several empirical advantages.
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