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ArtikelPolitical Belonging and Cultural Belonging : Immigration Status, Citizenship, and Identity Among Four Immigrant Populations in a Southwestern City  
Oleh: Brettell, Caroline B.
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: American Behavioral Scientist vol. 50 no. 01 (Sep. 2006), page 70-99.
Topik: Citizenship; Identity; Bifocality; Immigrant Rights; U.S. Immigration
Fulltext: 05. Political Belonging and Cultural Belonging - Immigration Status, Citizenship, and Identity Among Four Immigrant....pdf (140.4KB)
Isi artikelThis article compares identity and citizenship among four immigrant populations in the Dallas–Fort Worth metropolitan area to explore the distinctions that immigrants themselves draw between political and cultural belonging. The article addresses the differences between the rights/responsibilities dimensions of citizenship on one hand, and the identity dimensions of citizenship on the other hand. It demonstrates the significance of immigration status in shaping attitudes toward naturalization, citizenship, and the construction of identity, arguing that immigrants have a bifocal outlook on belonging.
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