Anda belum login :: 27 Nov 2024 02:14 WIB
ArtikelFictive Kin and Social Capital : The Role of Peer Groups in Applying and Paying for College  
Oleh: Tierney, William G. ; Venegas, Kristan M.
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: American Behavioral Scientist vol. 49 no. 12 (Aug. 2006), page 1687-1702.
Topik: Peer Counseling; Financial Aid; Fictive Kin; Social Capital
Fulltext: 07. Fictive Kin and Social Capital - The Role of Peer Groups in Applying and Paying for College.pdf (103.3KB)
Isi artikelIn this article, the authors suggest that peers have the potential to create fictive kin networks, and in this role, peers become a social support that helps enable a culture of success. Discussing peer counselors and their role in helping students understand financial aid, the authors’ purpose is to suggest that peer groups—as social relationships that cut across classroom connections—create a viable solution that helps youth attain access to college. Findings from focus groups, observations, and interviews suggest that students benefit from the socioemotional and informational aspects of participating in peer counseling programs.
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