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ArtikelDigital Recording and the Reconfiguration of Music as Performance  
Oleh: Marontate, Jan
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: American Behavioral Scientist vol. 48 no. 11 (Jul. 2005), page 1422-1438.
Topik: Digital Technology; Music; Innovation; University Curriculum; Internet
Fulltext: 03. Digital Recording and the Reconfiguration of Music as Performance.pdf (119.63KB)
Isi artikelDigital technologies are transforming the lived experience of music in ways that may recon- figure relations between creators, mediators, and publics. Many uses of recorded popular music in the 20th century emphasized the canonical character of recordings rather than the performative nature of music making; it was no longer necessary to make music or be around musicians to hear music. Recently, digital technologies and their attendant creative practices have allowed for the reemergence of musical works as practices rather than objects. This article examines the experiences of musicians and audio technicians in a music technology program at a rural Canadian university.
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