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ArtikelThe Semantics of Scandinavian Free Choice Items  
Oleh: Saeboe, Kjell Johan
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Linguistics and Philosophy=> ada di SpringerLink 1997(vol.1) - Mutakhir; JSTOR vol. 24 no. 6 (Dec. 2001), page 737-787.
Fulltext: 25001832.pdf (4.9MB)
Isi artikelI present an analysis of Free Choice Items (FCIs), based on Scandinavian, where FCIs are complex and distinct from polarity sensitive items. Scandinavian FCIs are argued to have two components. One is a universal quantifying into modal contexts. The other is an operator mapping a type (s,t) expression onto itself, adjoining to the closest type t or (s,t) expression. Thus invoking Intensional Functional Application, this operator requires the presence of a modal in the scope of the universal quantifier. Facts concerning 'essential connections' and 'existential import' are accounted for by assuming that the FC determiner has the option of acting like a quantifier.
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