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ArtikelConcept Types and Parts of Speech with Special Reference to the Lexicalization of Region Concepts in French  
Oleh: Schwarze, Christoph
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Semantics (Sebagian Full Text) vol. 8 no. 4 (Apr. 1991), page 333-361.
Topik: Concept Types; Lexicalization; Region Concepts
Fulltext: vol 8, no 4, p 333-361.pdf (1.43MB)
Isi artikelIt is a tradition to express overall structures in the lexicon of a language by classifying its words according to their formal as well as to their semantic properties. The problem treated here is how formal and semantic word classes relate to each other. The problem will first be discussed on a general level. Then some results of an empirical study on the lexicon of space in French will be presented. It will be shown how the concept of'region' is distributed across the parts of speech of that language. The study confirms and specifies the current assumption that there are typical relationships between formal word classes and concept types, but it also raises the question of what happens within the domain of atypical lexicalization.
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