Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 10:36 WIB
BukuWork-Family Conflict and Perceived Organizational Support in Improving Job Satisfaction Female Factory Workers (article of Advanced Science Letters Vol.23 No.8 August 2017 p.7250-7253(4))
Author: Purba, Sylvia Diana ; Sandroto, Christine Winstinindah
Topik: Continuance Commitment; Job Satisfaction; Motivation; Perceived Organizational Support; Work-Family Conflict; JABFUNG-SDP-2017-B03; JABFUNG-SDP-2018-03; JABFUNG-CWS-2018-04
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: American Scientific Publishers     Tempat Terbit: USA    Tahun Terbit: 2017    
Jenis: Article - diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah internasional
Fulltext: Lampiran B3revisi(1).pdf (253.87KB; 22 download)
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The aim of this study was to examine the perceived organizational support and work-family conflict as moderating variable on influence of motivation toward job satisfaction, mediated by continuance commitment. The research was conducted with the 125 female factory workers who have been married and have children as samples. Samples technique used was convenience method because the total population was difficult to count precisely. The results showed that for low level female factory workers, there is significant effect of motivation on continuance commitment so as continuance commitment on job satisfaction. Motivation has no effect on job satisfaction, either directly or mediated by continuance commitment but work-family conflict moderated the influence of motivation on the continuance commitment in negative effect, but in positive effect on job satisfaction. Instead perceived organizational support cannot be moderated the influence of motivation on the continuance commitment and so as job satisfaction.
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