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ArtikelThe Progressive: A Channel-Theoretic Analysis  
Oleh: Glasbey, Sheila
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Semantics (Sebagian Full Text) vol. 13 no. 4 (Apr. 1996), page 331-361.
Topik: Progressive; Theoretic Analysis; Natural Regularity
Fulltext: vol 13, no 4, p 331-361.pdf (1.45MB)
Isi artikelIn this paper we review some of the problems associated with giving a precise semantics for the English progressive. We begin by examining two recent accounts of the progressive, those of Landman (1992) and Asher (1992). While neither account is, we argue, completely satisfactory, both contain important insights which can be combined and made more precise in the treatment we develop based on Barwise & Seligman's (1994) Channel Theory. We show that the notions of natural regularity and channel embodied in channel theory provide exactly what is needed to give an account of the progressive which is precisely expressed and explains the data. In particular, we show how our account allows us to separate out the licensing conditions for the progressive from the existence of a 'default rule' as employed by Asher. This enables us to explain some examples that are problematic for a default-based account. Finally, we show that our analysis can be successfully applied to a range of examples, many of which have proved problematic for earlier accounts.
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