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BukuCapturing voice of the customer via company internal data (presented at International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences, IRC-2014 (Singapore, 24-25 Sep 2014)
Author: Sukwadi, Ronald ; Suef, Mokh. ; Widawati, Enny
Topik: Voice of the customer; Kano model; Company internal data; JABFUNG-RS-FT-2017-17; JABFUNG-2020-RSFT-23
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Academy of Science and Technology (AST)     Tempat Terbit: Singapore    Tahun Terbit: 2014    
Jenis: Papers/Makalah - pada seminar internasional
Fulltext: Lampiran Ronald Revisi B23 .pdf (254.68KB; 2 download)
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In today’s competitive world, companies frequently introduce new products or redesign their existing products to meet the fast changing preferences of their customers. In this paper, an approach that attempts to acquire voice of the customer (VOC) in terms of shortening product development lead time is proposed. For this purpose, the customer service data (the claims, the complaints, and the company initiatives) are utilized as voice of the customer in product development process. This approach consists of four main phases, namely, determining quality attributes, categorizing the attributes using Kano model, collecting customer service data, and statistical validation. A case study on a bakery was used to illustrate the performance of the proposed approach. From the case study, the usefulness of the customer service data at an early stage of product development was described. This paper also shows how the company internal data has made it an even much simpler than customer survey in obtaining VOC.
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