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Adiponektin meregulasi turun ekspresi INOS pada kultur Huvec’s yang
Hernani, YulIy Endang
Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional
Dalam koleksi:
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya vol. 24 no. 03 (Dec. 2008)
page 142.
HUVEC’s culture cells
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Adiponectin is a adipocyte derivate protein involves in sensitivity of insulin, anti-inflamation, and antiatherogenic found largely in plasma. The decrease of adiponectin in the plasma is related to obesity, cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes, hypertension and vascularinjuries in nice. In vivo research on strain balblc mice showed that excessive Adiponectin expression inhibits atherosclerosis with Apo E deficiency. The aim of this research is to find protective mechanisms of adiponectin on vascular utilizing invitro Infected HUVEC’s culture. There were 5 groups :(A) control negative group or normal HUVEC’s, (B) control positive group or HUVEC’s treated with 10 ug/mI LPS, (C) HUVEC’s treated with 10 ug/mI LPS and adiponectin 0,001 ng/ml, (D) HUVEC’s treated with 10 ug/mILPS and adinopectin 0,1 ng/mI, (E) HUVEC’s treated with 10 ug/mI LPS and adiponectin 1 ng/ml. This study used CISH (Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization) technique tO observe mRNA iNOS expression with 27 bases sequences (5”-aaccttcaaggcagcctgtgagacgtt- 3”). The control group did not show mRNA INOS expression. The iNOS expression increased with LPS Induction, however adiponectin treatment on HUVEC’s culture cells decreased of mRNA iNOS. Expression the regulation can be proof by adding antibody to iNOS protein of 24 hours adeponectin treated culture. This study describes that the injection of adiponectin down regulates the expression of iNOS endothelial that treated with LPS. This means that adiponectin may have role in regulating the decrease of iNOS expression.
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