Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 10:16 WIB
BukuAnalisis Formasi Jelaga di dalam Ruang Pembakaran Mesin-mesin Diesel dengan Fiber-fiber Optik
Author: Ruslan, Wegie
Topik: fluks pancaran (radiant flux); gravitasi spesifik jelaga (specific gravity of soot); Emisi spektral (spectral emissivity)
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Universitat Karlsruhe     Tempat Terbit: Karlsruhe    Tahun Terbit: 1996    
Jenis: Research Report
Fulltext: AFJdDRPMMDdFfO.pdf (1.92MB; 2 download)
The in-cylinder combustion process and the related production of pollutants is extremely complex and hardly understood up to now. This is partly due to a lack of suitable measurement techniques. At the Institute for Applied Thermodynamica a niulti-optical fiber technique was developed, which can be applied to the combustion chamber Of production engines in order to detect the flame propagation. In a modified design this technique can be used to measure local flame temperatures and concentrations, i.e. soot concentrations. The application of the spectroscopies two-colour-method allows to describe the temporal and spatial temperature distribution and soot concentration during combustion. In this study results of measurements of soot concentratjons, temperature distribution and flame propagation in diesel engines are presented. The influence of different engine operation conditions on the behaviour of these parameters is shown and discussed.
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