Picnicking is a sightseeing activities while bringing meal to eat in an open area with a great view and ussually done in daylight. Usually, foods like dishes, vegetables, and rice easier to quickly become cold when brought to the picnic location. So there is a need to warm food. Picnic activity conducted in open areas and in bright daylight, illuminated by sunlight. The sun as an energy source can be utilized as a producer of thermal energy and photovoltaic electric energy. Seeing these two phenomena, reasearchers got the idea to design a food warmers based on solar energy. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design a food warmers product based on solar energy that can fulfill the customer‘s needs to warm the their meal when picnicking. In this research, customer’s needs were identified, morphological chart to find design alternatives and as a result, 8 concepts were made and had been selected. The choosen concept continued to system level design where every component were being designed in Solidwork into CAD model, and the performance of product were calculated by using formulation and Solidwork help. Prototype that has been already made were being calculated its performance to check if the performance is sucess to fulfill the target requirement. The result is prototype couldn’t reach the requirement temperature, cause of the failure was insufficient of fund. The Output of this research were CAD model of food warmer based on solar energy and prototype with its PDS. |