Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:19 WIB
BukuPendeteksian Knocking Combustion dengan mengunakan Simultaneously High-Speed Schlieren Cinematography dan Multi Optical Fiber Technique
Author: Ruslan, Wegie
Topik: Gasoline Engine; Combustion chamber; Combustion knock
Bahasa: (ID )    
Penerbit: Universitat Karlsruhe     Tempat Terbit: Karlsruhe    Tahun Terbit: 1996    
Jenis: Research Report
Fulltext: PCdMSHSSCdOFT.pdf (2.45MB; 2 download)
Flame propagation as well as the special role of detonation waves during knocking combustion are still unsolved questions. In order to examine these phenomena during cyclic resolved knocking combustion, high-speed schlieren photography and multi optical fiber technique were applied simultaneously. The pictures were taken at a rate of 200 000 frames per second, whereas the name radiation signals of the knocking combustion, detected with optical fiber technique at 49 measuring points, were recorded with a sampling frequency of 500 kHz. The exact correlation between schlieren photography and optical fiber technique shows that the knocking combustion is initiated by self ignitions in the unburned regions, clearly separated from the spark ignited name. The complete autoignition (i.e. knocking combustion) proceeds in two stages thus showing distinct prereactions. Nearly simultaneous self ignition processes in the entire unburned region as well as single self ignition Kernels expanding into the unburned gas were observed. In case of strong knock, the analog light intensity traces indicate that shock waves, caused by supersonic name propagation, are responsible for initiating the characteristic high frequency gas oscillations. Detonation processes occur only for a very short time. The processes suggested from supersonic name propagation and correlating peaks in pressure traces simultaneously recorded.
Kajian editorial
Laporan Hasil Penelitian selama berada di Institut Fur KolbenMaschinen Universitiit Karlsruhe Germany dari 1 April s.d. 28 Juni 1996
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