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ArtikelFitting Long-Linear Models to Contingency Tables From Surveys With Complex Sampling Designs: An Investigation of the Clogg-Eliason Approach  
Oleh: Skinner, Chris ; Vallet, Louis-Andre
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Sociological Methods & Research (SMR) vol. 39 no. 01 (Aug. 2010), page 83-108.
Topik: Complex Sampling; Jackknife; Long Linear Models; Pseudo Maximum Likelihood; Stratification; Survey Weight
Fulltext: Sociological Methods and Research 2010; 39; 1; 83.pdf (179.61KB)
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Isi artikelClogg and Eliason (1987) proposed a simple method for taking account of survey weight when fitting long-linear models to contingency tables. This article investigates the properties of this method. A rationsle is provided for the method when the weights are constant within the cells of the table. For more general cases, however, it is shown that the standard errors produced by the method are invalid, contrary to claims in the literature. The method is compared to the pseudo maximum likelihood method both the oretically and through an empirical study of social mobility relating daughter's class to father's class using survey data from France. The method of Clogg and Eliason is found to underestimate standard errors systematically. The article concludes by recommending against the use of this method may be overcome by using the pseudo maximum likelihood method.
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