Anda belum login :: 13 Mar 2025 10:11 WIB
BukuExperiential marketing : secrets, strategies, and success stories from the world's greatest brands
Author: Smith, Kerry ; Hanover, Dan
Topik: Target marketing; Branding (Marketing)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 978-1-119-14587-5    
Penerbit: John Wiley & Sons     Tempat Terbit: New Jersey    Tahun Terbit: 2016    
Jenis: Books - Textbook
Fulltext: Experiential marketing.pdf (2.91MB; 1 download)
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As customers take control over what, when, why, and how they buy products and services, brands are facing the complete breakdown and utter failure of passive marketing strategies designed more than a half-century ago. To connect with a changing generation of customers, companies must embrace and deploy a new marketing mix, driven by a more effective discipline: experiences.

Experiential marketing, the use of live, face-to-face engagements to connect with audiences, create relationships, and drive brand affinity, has become the fastest-growing form of marketing in the world as the very companies that built their brands on the old Madison Avenue approach--including Coca-Cola, Nike, Microsoft, American Express, and others--forge the next chapter of marketing as experiential brands.

Using hundreds of case studies, exclusive research, and interviews with more than 150 global brands spanning a decade, experiential marketing experts Kerry Smith and Dan Hanover present the most in-depth book ever written on how companies are using experiences as the anchors of reinvented marketing mixes.

The authors provide unprecedented access to the specific experiential strategies and blueprints used by the world's most powerful brands, many of which are using experiential marketing to generate their biggest customer reach, sales lifts, and marketing ROI ever.
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THE MUST-HAVE PLAYBOOK FOR HARNESSING THE POWER OF EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING Your essential guide to marketing in the 21st century and a survival manual for brands trying to adapt in today's consumer-in-control economy. (
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