Anda belum login :: 11 Mar 2025 11:55 WIB
ArtikelAgus Martowardojo, Minister of Finance  
Oleh: [s.n]
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Van Zorge Report vol. 12 no. 17-18 (Nov. 2010), page 34-41.
Topik: Minister of Finance; Indonesia’s financial markets
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    • Nomor Panggil: VV6
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Isi artikelExpectations were high when Agus Mar towardojo replaced ousted Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati in May. While widely acknowledged as a skilled manager, on his appointment some questioned the former Bank Mandiri CEO’s fiscal knowledge. Yet Martowardojo has proven more than up to the task, displaying a keen desire to continue to pursue the Finance Ministry’s reform agenda. In late September Martowardojo spoke at the Jakarta Foreign Correspondent’s Club. He used the opportunity to say that the Ministry would not allow a bubble to develop in Indonesia’s financial markets, and that he believed prudent economic policies would be the key to attracting higher levels of foreign direct investment.
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