Manual work is generally related to the strength and resilience of the workers in doing their Jobs, it can cause problems on the part of worker's body.The purpose of this case study was to assess the job risk in a service industry. The risk assessment is conducted in PD.Glennindo company. The production process is done manually by workers using machines. This research is conducted at the work station of fabric cutting because there are risk activities such as aches and muscle injuries experienced by workers. Therefore, the researcher wanted to find risks in the various activities that result in a risk for workers is clearly visible. The cutting work station is conducted by three operators. The number of machines in the cutting work station are three. First of all, there were brief invterview for every worker and taking photos while workers were working. Then the researcher identified risk that seen, using MSD Hazard Identification Tool by providing a checklist for each question. If the results of MSD Hazard Identification Tool is found some of job risk, so it is necessary to proceed to the next step that is risk assessesment. The risk assessment using the method of job strain index (JSI), OCRA checklist, manual tasks risk assessment (MANTRA), dan PLIBEL. The methods of job strain index and OCRA checklist are used to assess the risk of upper body whereas PLIBEL and MANTRA are used to assess risk of whole body. Job strain index, OCRA checklist, and MANTRA are quantitative methods whereas PLIBEL was a qualitative method. Based on this research, the fabric cutting work station has some risk for workers, especially in cutting activities, the most dangerous. This happens due to many factors like awkward posture, duration, speed of work, frequency, effort, vibration, and environmental factors. Then it is necessary need actions to reduce the risk on system workstation that experienced by workers. |