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ArtikelSerum inhibin B concentrations in pubertal boys conceived by ICSI: first results  
Oleh: Belva, F. ; Bonduelle, M. ; Painter, R.C.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Human Reproduction vol. 25 no. 11 (Nov. 2010), page 2811-2814.
Topik: intracytoplamsic sperm injection; inhibin B; testis; follow-up; puberty
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: H07.K.2010.04
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikel BACKGROUND Currently, no published data exist about the gonadal function of children born after ICSI. To evaluate potential risk of testicular seminal dysfunction in boys born to fathers with compromised spermatogenesis, serum inhibin B (as a marker for spermatogenesis) was assessed. METHODS We recruited 50 pubertal adolescents from the oldest cohort of infants born following ICSI. Cross-sectional serum inhibin B levels of all 50 ICSI adolescents, and longitudinal serum inhibin B (assessed at 8 and 14 years) in 25 boys, are reported. RESULTS A statistically significant increase in inhibin B levels was observed between 8 (mean 69 ng/l, SD ± 35) and 14 years (mean 145 ng/l, SD ± 41; P < 0.001). In three quarters of the ICSI boys an increase in serum inhibin B levels of at least 30% between 8 and 14 years was observed. In all but 4 of the 14-year-old ICSI boys serum inhibin B was normal. Serum inhibin B levels in boys from fathers with severe oligozoospermia did not differ from concentrations in boys from fathers without severe oligozoospermia (154 ± 51 and 142 ± 47 ng/l, respectively; P = 0.4). CONCLUSIONS The majority of ICSI boys have a significant increase in serum inhibin B, attaining normal values for pubertal status at the age of 14 years. ICSI adolescents from fathers with severely compromised spermatogenesis do not have lower inhibin B levels than those with fathers with normal spermatograms. Further follow-up of the spermatogenic potential of ICSI teenagers up to young adulthood is mandatory to confirm a normal reproductive capacity.
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